Guanhong Wang is a Phd student at Zhejiang University, with CVNext Lab advised by Prof. Gaoang Wang. His research interests include video understanding, multi-modality learning and vision and language.
Selected Publications:
Also see Publications Page and Google Scholar.
MovieChat: From Dense Token to Sparse Memory in Long Video Understanding
Enxin Song*, Wenhao Chai*♡, Guanhong Wang*,Yucheng Zhang, Haoyang Zhou, Feiyang Wu, Tian Ye, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Gaoang Wang✉
arXiv Preprint.
[Website] [Paper] [Dataset] [Code]
MovieChat achieves state-of-the-art performace in long video understanding by introducing memory mechanism. -
Human-centered Prior-guided and Task-dependent Multi-task Representation Learning for Action Recognition Pre-training
Guanhong Wang, Keyu Lu, Yang Zhou, Zhanhao He, Gaoang Wang✉
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2022
We distill knowledge from a human parsing model to enrich the semantic capability of representation.
- Feb. 2024: Our two papers are accepted by CVPR 2024.
- Dec. 2023: Our paper Knowledge-guided Pre-training and Fine-tuning: Video Representation Learning for Action Recognition accepted by Neurocomputing.
- Aug. 2023: Our paper User-Aware Prefix-Tuning is a Good Learner for Personalized Image Captioning accepted by PRCV 2023.
- July 2023: Our project MovieChat: From Dense Token to Sparse Memory in Long Video Understanding is released at website.
- July 2023: Attend CVPR 2023 virtually.
- June 2023: Attend VALSE 2023 in Wuxi.
- Sep 2022: Our paper Missing Modality meets Meta Sampling (M3S): An Efficient Universal Approach for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis with Missing Modality accepted by AACL-IJCNLP 2022.
- July 2022: Attend ICME 2022 virtually, and give a Special Session Report.
- June 2022: Attend CVPR 2022 virtually.
- March 2022: Our paper Human-centered Prior-guided and Task-dependent Multi-task Representation Learning for Action Recognition Pre-training accepted by ICME 2022.
- Oct 2021: Attend VALSE 2021 in Hangzhou.
- June 2021: Start my Phd research on Video Action Recognition task, advised by Professor Gaoang Wang.